Good evening, Langa
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Hey! So we've been together for 6 months already huh! Some people might feel it isn't that long but it feels like eternity to me and i wanna stay like this forever! I wanna call you mine forever, I want you to call me yours forever, I wanna do every single thing with you forever. I know we've been through some real shit like we fight a lot LMAO but then we always ended up cuddling and feeding each other ice creams huh? You knew how excited i am whenever we went to the skatepark right? Back then I feel like my heart is about to explode seeing how cool you are on your skateboard ♡____♡ Let's go there again some other time kay?
Langa, I hope you know how much you mean to me and how much I love youuu. Cause Im telling you right now I am in loveeee with you, and I want it to stay this way foreverrrr. I just wanna hug you so damn tight till my arm breaks, idc if it really breaks cause I have you to help (no cause you actually does it for me) me on my homework RIGHT LOL. Let me just say this for the million times, I love you so much Langa.
I don't know how am I supposed to say this but, if we ever go across different paths, don't ever forget about me okay? Well, you should definitely move on and continue with your life thats for sure. But, I just don't want this memories to just fade away like it was nothing? Ah, I'm so scared I feel like I'm being too selfish D: I just love you so much that I don't wanna lose you but at the same time all these horrible and scary thoughts keeps on coming. But I wouldn't let that thoughts stand in my way, so let's keep on searching our dreams together yeah? We still have a long way to go, wouldn't it be better if we go together? Once again, I love you so much and let's spent the whole day together! perharps you want to go somewhere with me? Personally I wanna go to the skatepark, the skateboard you bought for me is jobless I feel like I never really used it since you're not here to teach me :D